The Stripy Sock Club is a children’s television program featured on ABC Kids, ABC iView and other channels worldwide.
“Lah Lah’s Stripy Sock Club” follows a bubbly songstress who helps her adorable slapstick band through their daily calamities using musical discovery and songs. Along the way inviting inquisitive kids, fascinating musicians, and you to join the club.
Spectre Studios was brought in to design all the environments and backgrounds for the series and also directed the entire series as well. The show was shot in a very innovative way in collaboration with Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Melbourne. We shot the series in their studios using a combination of UE4, MoSys Tracking System and Zero Density’s UE4 capabilities. Most importantly, we were able to live composite the series as we were shooting.
This meant that the actors would perform in front of a green screen, the MoSys system would track their movement and feed that positional data in to the broadcast cameras which would then allow that footage to be instantly composited into the pre-designed backgrounds. This efficiency eliminated weeks of traditional post production composition work.
This was the first ever children's television series in Australia to be shot using this technology. The end result was an innovative and fun kids TV show that is now available for kids around the world to watch and enjoy. The show was delivered ahead of schedule and budget and is now an example of the efficiency that a Virtual Production toolset can bring.